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This is a global list of all the settings

GRPC server#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.server.executor-group.type Group executor type. DIRECT or PARALLEL DIRECT
envoy-control.server.executor-group.parallel-pool-size Pool size used for executor group in PARALLEL mode 4
envoy-control.server.nio-event-loop-thread-count The number of threads that will be used by netty's nio worker event loop 1
envoy-control.server.nio-boss-event-loop-thread-count The number of threads that will be used by netty's nio boss event loop 1
envoy-control.server.netty.keep-alive-time Sets a custom keepalive time for Netty server 15s
envoy-control.server.netty.permit-keep-alive-time Specify the most aggressive keep-alive time clients are permitted to configure (in seconds) 10s
envoy-control.server.netty.permit-keep-alive-without-calls Sets whether to allow clients to send keep-alive HTTP/2 PINGs even if there are no outstanding RPCs on the connection true
envoy-control.server.port Port of the xDS server 50000
envoy-control.server.server-pool-size Pool size of xDS server 16
envoy-control.server.server-poolkeep-alive Threads keep alive in xDS server pool 10m Scheduler type for update snapshot for groups operation. DIRECT or PARALLEL DIRECT Parallelism level for PARALLEL mode. Should match executor pool size if custom executor is used 1
envoy-control.server.snapshot-cleanup.collect-after-millis How long a snapshot must be referenced before being collected 10s
envoy-control.server.snapshot-cleanup.collection-interval-millis How often the collection background action should run 10s Pool size used for default global snapshot audit executor group 10s

Snapshot properties#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.enabled Enable or disable creating listeners using dynamic configuration true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.enabled Enable or disable access logs false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.time-format Time format for access logs "%START_TIME(%FT%T.%3fZ)%"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.message-format Message format for access logs "%PROTOCOL% %REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(:authority)% %REQ(:PATH)% %DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS% -> %UPSTREAM_HOST%"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.level Logging level for access logs "TRACE"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.logger Logger name for access logs "envoy.AccessLog"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.custom-fields Custom fields, which should be included in access logs null
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.filters.status-code Default status code filter for access logs null
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.filters.duration Default duration filter for access logs null
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.filters.not-health-check Disable health checks filter for access logs true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.filters.response-flag Default response flag filter for access logs null
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.access-log.filters.header Default header filter for access logs null
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.http-filters.ingress-xff-num-trusted-hops Number of trusted hops for ingress filter (refer to envoy docs) 1
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.enabled Enable or disable creating local reply mapper configuration (refer to envoy docs) false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.response-format.text-format Text message format with placeholders (refer to envoy docs) ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.response-format.json-format JSON message format with placeholders for matched response (refer to envoy docs). ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.response-format.content-type Response content-type header value ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.status-code-matcher Matcher which handles specific status codes formatted as string e.g.: EQ:400 - equal to status code 400 "" Header name to match ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.header-matcher.exact-match Header value to match for specified header (only one of: exactMatch, regexMatch can be specified. If none is specified, header name presence matcher will be used) ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.header-matcher.regex-match Header value regex to match for specified header (only one of: exactMatch, regexMatch can be specified. If none is specified, header name presence matcher will be used) ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.response-flag-matcher Response flags to match (refer to envoy docs) empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.status-code-to-return Status code to return for matched response 0 (disabled)
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.body-to-return Response message to return for matched response ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.response-format.text-format Text message format with placeholders for matched response ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.response-format.json-format JSON message format with placeholders for matched response empty map
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dynamic-listeners.local-reply-mapper.matchers.response-format.content-type Response content-type header value ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.eds-connection-timeout Connection timeout for EDS clusters 2s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.idle-timeout Set idle timeout for all HTTP connections (HTTP/1 and HTTP/2) 120s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.request-timeout Set request timeout for all routes (HTTP/1 and HTTP/2) 120s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.high-threshold.max-connections The maximum number of connections that Envoy will make to the upstream cluster for high priority threshold. 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.high-threshold.max-pending-requests The maximum number of pending requests that Envoy will allow to the upstream cluster for high priority threshold. 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.high-threshold.max-requests The maximum number of parallel requests that Envoy will make to the upstream cluster for high priority threshold. 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.high-threshold.max-retries The maximum number of parallel retries that Envoy will allow to the upstream cluster for high priority threshold. 3
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.default-threshold.max-connections The maximum number of connections that Envoy will make to the upstream cluster for default priority threshold. 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.default-threshold.max-pending-requests The maximum number of pending requests that Envoy will allow to the upstream cluster for default priority threshold. 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.default-threshold.max-requests The maximum number of parallel requests that Envoy will make to the upstream cluster for default priority threshold. 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.common-http.circuit-breakers.default-threshold.max-retries The maximum number of parallel retries that Envoy will allow to the upstream cluster for default priority threshold. 3
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.never-remove-clusters Don't remove cluster, when corresponding service disappears from services source. Only remove all instances. true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.cluster-not-found-status-code Status code when cluster is not found 503
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.http2.enabled Enable http2 for clusters that use envoy true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.http2.tag-name Tag to be used to identify if instance uses envoy envoy
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.handle-internal-redirect Handle redirects by Envoy false Enable rewriting Host header with value from specified header false Header name which value will override Host header "x-envoy-original-host"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.headers-to-remove List of headers to sanitize on egress empty list List of domains added to service names for matching. Domain name has to start with '.' ( e.g.: .domain) empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.ingress.headers-to-remove List of headers to sanitize on ingress empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.local-service.idle-timeout Idle timeout between client to envoy 60s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.local-service.response-timeout Response timeout for localService 15s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.local-service.connection-idle-timeout Connection idle timeout for localService 120s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routes.status.enabled Enable status route false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routes.status.endpoints List of endpoints with path or prefix of status routes /status
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routes.status.create-virtual-cluster Create virtual cluster for status route false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.state-sample-duration Duration of state sampling (this is used to prevent surges in consul events overloading control plane) 1s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.xds-cluster-name Name of cluster for xDS operations envoy-control-xds Enable or disable support for ADS communication mode true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.enabled-communication-modes.xds Enable or disable support for XDS communication mode true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.should-send-missing-endpoints Enable sending missing Endpoints - when Envoy requests for not existing cluster in snapshot control-plane will respond with empty Endpoint definition false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-name Dynamic forward proxy cluster name dynamic_forward_proxy_cluster
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.dns-lookup-family DNS lookup address family V4_ONLY
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.max-cached-hosts The maximum number of hosts that the cache will hold 1024
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.max-host-ttl The TTL for hosts that are unused. Hosts that have not been used in the configured time interval will be purged 300s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.rate-limit.domain Domain name for ratelimit service. rl
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.rate-limit.service-name ratelimit GRPC service name ratelimit-grpc Enable detla xds false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.should-audit-global-snapshot Enable global snapshot audits false


Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.enabled Enable incoming permissions false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.client-identity-headers Headers that identify the client calling the endpoint. In most cases client-identity-header should include service-name-header value to correctly identify other services in the mesh. [ x-service-name ]
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.clients-allowed-to-all-endpoints Client names which are allowed to even call service if incoming permissions are enabled. empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.request-identification-headers Headers that are used to identify requests in incoming permissions logs. [ x-request-id ]
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.trusted-client-identity-header Header that securely identify the client calling the endpoint. It's added by Envoy to a request to local service. Local service can trust this header, it always contains only confirmed client identities. Set to empty string to disable. x-client-name-trusted
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.service-name-header Name of a header to propagate a called endpoint's service name upstream x-service-name
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.source-ip-authentication.ip-from-service-discovery.enabled-for-incoming-services Enable source ip based authentication for selected services empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.source-ip-authentication.ip-from-range Enable source ip based authentication for selected clients using static IP ranges empty map
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.source-ip-authentication.ip-from-range.{name} User chosen name for static ip range, it must match client name defined in incoming permissions none
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.source-ip-authentication.ip-from-range.{name}.{ip}/{prefix} Ip and prefix informat of {ip}/{prefix} for static ip range. Eg: empty string
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.selector-matching.{name}. Selector matching is used to further authenticate source IP targets. {name} corresponds to client name defined in incoming permissions and IP range empty map
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.selector-matching.{name}.header.{selector-name} Name used to identify the selector. For header authentication it is the header name. In the future for metadata it will be filter/path. empty string
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.tls-context-metadata-match-key Name of tls context metadata matcher key acceptMTLS
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.validation-context-secret-name Name of validation context config, has to match static configuration in Envoy config validation_context
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.tls-certificate-secret-name Name of server TLS Certificate config, has to match static configuration in Envoy config server_cert
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.require-client-certificate Enable to reject TLS connections without a client certificate. Even if set to false, incoming permissions are still enforced. false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.protocol.minimum-version Minimum version of TLS protocol used "TLSv1_2"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.protocol.maximum-version Maximum version of TLS protocol used "TLSv1_2"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.protocol.cipher-suites A list of cipher suites to use list of "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.mtls-enabled-tag Name of tag that is used to identify if mTLS should be enabled for cluster (note that envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.egress.http2.enabled should also be enabled) mtls:enabled
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.san-uri-format URI format for SAN field that will be matched in client/server validation. {service-name} will be replaced by service name from discovery source. spiffe://{service-name}
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.service-name-wildcard-regex Regex to match service-names for "wildcard" client identifier. By default it will match all service names of length greater than zero (.+). It is used in place of {service-name} placeholder in san-uri-format. .+ Services that are allowed to have wildcard in incoming.clients field empty set
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.tls-authentication.wildcard-client-identifier Special value (wildcard) that signifies that the service accepts traffic from all other validated services *
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.incoming-permissions.overlapping-paths-fix Make RBAC factory generate rules for endpoints with log policy in actual "rules" of RBAC engine to fix unintuitive behaviour when overlapping paths are defined. false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.outgoing-permissions.enabled Enable outgoing permissions false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.outgoing-permissions.all-services-dependencies.identifier Special value (wildcard) that signifies that the service depends on all other services *
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.outgoing-permissions.all-services-dependencies.not-included-by-prefix Services not included in dependencies for services with wildcard in outgoing.dependency field. Matched by service name prefix. empty list Services that are allowed to have wildcard in outgoing.dependency field empty set

Load Balancing#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.load-balancing.weights.enabled if set to true, weighted load balancing will be enabled false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.load-balancing.canary.enabled if set to true, routing to canary instances based on canary header will be enabled (corresponding Envoy static config is required, see docs) false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.load-balancing.canary.metadata-key metadata that will be set for canary EDS endpoints - key (must match Envoy static header_to_metadata filter config, see docs) canary
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.load-balancing.canary.header-value only when canary header is set to this value request will be routed to canary instances (canary header name is set in Envoy static config, see docs) 1
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.load-balancing.policy load balancing policy used for clusters. Accepted values LEAST_REQUEST
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.load-balancing.use-keys-subset-fallback-policy KEYS_SUBSET fallback policy is used by default when canary and service-tags are enabled. It is not supported in Envoy <= 1.12.x. Set to false for compatibility with Envoy 1.12.x true


Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routing.service-tags.enabled If set to true, service tags routing will be enabled false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routing.service-tags.metadata-key What key to use in endpoint metadata to store its service tags tag
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routing.service-tags.header What header to use in service tag rules x-service-tag
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routing.service-tags.routing-excluded-tags List of tags predicates that cannot be used for routing. This supports an exact matching (just "string" - EXACT matching) prefixes (PREFIX matching) and regexes (REGEX matching) empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.routing.service-tags.allowed-tags-combinations List of rules, which tags can be conbined together and requested together. Details below empty list
(...).allowed-tags-combinations[].service-name The rule will apply only for this service ""
(...).allowed-tags-combinations[].tags List of tag patterns, that can be combined and requested together empty list

Outlier detection#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.enabled Enable cluster outlier detection false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.base-ejection-time The base time that a host is ejected for 30s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.consecutive-gateway-failure The number of consecutive gateway failures (502, 503, 504 status or connection errors that are mapped to one of those status codes) before a consecutive gateway failure ejection occurs 5
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.consecutive5xx The number of consecutive 5xx responses before a consecutive 5xx ejection 5
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.enforcing-consecutive-gateway-failure The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status is detected through consecutive gateway failures 0
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.enforcing-consecutive5xx The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status is detected through consecutive 5xx 100
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.enforcing-success-rate The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status is detected through success rate statistics 100
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.interval The time interval between ejection analysis sweeps 10s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.max-ejection-percent The maximum % of an upstream cluster that can be ejected due to outlier detection 10
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.success-rate-minimum-hosts The number of hosts in a cluster that must have enough request volume to detect success rate outliers 5
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.success-rate-request-volume The minimum number of total requests that must be collected in one interval (as defined by the interval duration above) to include this host * in success rate based outlier detection 100
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.cluster-outlier-detection.success-rate-stdev-factor This factor is used to determine the ejection threshold for success rate outlier ejection. 1900


Local Service#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.localService.retryPolicy.\.enabled Enable retry policy for localService false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.localService.retryPolicy.\.retry-on When should envoy retry request Envoy V2 API retry-on empty list
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.localService.retryPolicy.\.num-retries Number of retries 1
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.localService.retryPolicy.\.per-try-timeout Specifies a non-zero upstream timeout per retry attempt 0ms
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.localService.retryPolicy.\.host-selection-retry-max-attempts The maximum number of times host selection will be reattempted before request being routed to last selected host 1
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.localService.retryPolicy.\.retriable-status-codes HTTP status codes for which envoy should trigger retry in addition to retryOn empty list

Where <selector> is one of the following: * perHttpMethod.{GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE} - retry policy for requests with given HTTP method * default - default retry policy, applied for every request that doesn't match more specific selector

Outgoing traffic#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.retryPolicy.numberOfRetries Number of retries 1
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.retryPolicy.hostSelectionRetryMaxAttempts The maximum number of times host selection will be reattempted before request being routed to last selected host 3
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.retryPolicy.retryHostPredicate Specifies a collection of RetryHostPredicates that will be consulted when selecting a host for retries a list with one entry "envoy.retry_host_predicates.previous_hosts"
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.retryPolicy.retryBackOff.baseInterval Specifies parameters that control exponential retry back off base interval 25ms
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.retryPolicy.retryBackOff.maxInterval Specifies parameters that control exponential retry back off max interval 10 times base interval


Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.metrics.cache-set-snapshot Report metrics for cache.setSnapshot operation false

Cross DC synchronization#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.sync.enabled Enable Cross DC Synchronization false
envoy-control.sync.connection-timeout Connection timeout to other Envoy Controls 1s
envoy-control.sync.envoy-control-app-name Envoy Control app name available in discovery service envoy-control
envoy-control.sync.polling-interval Polling interval in seconds 1 Read timeout to other Envoy Controls 500ms

Service filters#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.service-filters.excluded-names-patterns Regex for excluding services with a given name empty list


Property Description Default value Hostname of consul server localhost
envoy-control.source.consul.port Port of consul server 8500
envoy-control.source.consul.tags.weight Service instance tag which will be mapped to instance weight. If set to <name>, expected tag will be <name>:<value>, where <value> is an integer (>0) representing instance weight weight
envoy-control.source.consul.tags.default-weight Default service instance weight, if weight tag is not present on the instance 50
envoy-control.source.consul.tags.canary Service instance tag which indicate canary instance canary

JWT filter#

Property Description Default value
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.forwardJwt If false, the JWT is removed in the request after a success verification. If true, the JWT is not removed in the request true
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.forwardPayloadHeader the header name to forward a successfully verified JWT payload to the backend. The forwarded data is: base64url_encoded(jwt_payload_in_JSON) x-oauth-token-validated
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.payloadInMetadata Key for token fields, the value is the protobuf::Struct converted from JWT JSON payload. jwt
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.fieldRequiredInToken Name of the field that will be checked if its present in JWT. This field should be present in every token. exp
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.defaultVerificationType Type of token validation, either ONLINE or OFFLINE (currently only OFFLINE supported) offline
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.defaultOAuthPolicy Policy specifies a Jwt requirement. Allowed values are allowMissingOrFailed, allowMissing and strict. strict
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName} Provider of OAuth JWKs empty map
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.jwksUri Uri of the endpoint serving JWKs http://localhost
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.createCluster If true, cluster will be created for OAuth provider false
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.clusterName Name of the cluster ""
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.clusterPort Port of the cluster that will be created for provider 443
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.cacheDuration Duration of caching public key fetched from provider 300s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.connectionTimeout Connection timeout for request fetching JWKs 1s
envoy-control.envoy.snapshot.jwt.providers.{providerName}.matchings.{matching} Name of the token field that should be verified for given selector empty map